Monday, July 27, 2009

The Three Best Exercises For Sexy Arms

The beautiful days we have been having recently are proof that warm weather is just around the corner.

These three simple exercises will give you sexy arms in time to show them off!

1. Bicep Curl

Hint: be sure to keep you elbows glued to your sides at all times

2. Tricep dip

Hint: keep you back close to the bench

3. Shoulder press

For all exercises do the oxygen count- o-x as you go up y at the top and g- e-n as you lower the weight.

Now you have seen the three best exercises for sexy arms I am going to share with you the formula for making your sexy arms happen.

1. Cardio- you must do cardio to melt away the body fat that is hiding your toning (the jiggly bits)

2. Resistance- resistance is a must if you want to look toned.

3. Nutrition- you can’t out train poor nutrition and for great toning "pretty good" is not good enough! Get this right and you will be getting your results FAST.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Join a big Gym and gain 2 dress sizes- guaranteed

Join a big Gym and gain 2 dress sizes- guaranteed

I started a client up in the studio this week who I hadn’t seen for a while.

Last I heard from her she had joined a gym so she could train whenever she wanted.

As soon as I saw her I new she had gained 10kgs since I saw her last.

Although she already knew in her heart it was time to see me she was shocked when we confirmed this on the scales and with the body fat callipers.

I am happy to have her back.

I know she will lose the weight again and start feeling as great as she did when she was fitting into her skinny jeans.

Not many clients who have received great results while training at the studio have stopped training with us.

For all the clients who have the results have been very similar.

And it’s a real shame.

I know how hard each and every one of them worked to lose their 8-10kgs.

So this go me thinking- what is missing at the gym?

They have all the equipment that the studio has and more.

They are open even more hours than the studio is.

When we away before last Christmas Keith trained at even the most simple of gyms and lost as much body fat as he would have training at the studio.

So what is missing for people training at the gym?

And what is the secret to reversing this trend and getting a result?

The common denominator for all these clients as been:

1. The secret to making a simple Commitment to your exercise program.

The vast expanses of exercise equipment and the group exercise timetable in every single gym are missing one element.

You need to make a simple commitment to your exercise program.

Eat 4 to 5 small healthy meals per day and perform a combination of aerobic and resistance training exercise for 40 to 60 minutes 3 times a week.

Take out your calendar right now and mark off three days each week for the next 12 weeks when you will commit to exercising. Then do it. Your consistent commitment will bring you the results you want.

2. The secret of having a Coach. Almost every self-help book ever written talks about the critical importance of having a coach/mentor.

A coach is an experienced and trusted counsellor or teacher.

It’s inevitable that you will come up against hard times on your path to losing weight and getting fit.

A coach will guide, motivate, educate and support you – so you can easily and rapidly overcome these hurdles.

A coach is critical to systemising your exercise program for maximum results and assisting you in heightening your motivation and strengthening your commitment.

And a coach becomes your “objective feedback system,” helping you see, understand and correct the problems that are interfering with your progress.

Exercise and nutrition are bona fide sciences and learning everything you need to know on your own can take years of struggle – but not if you have a coach.

3. The secret of Progression. Have you ever met someone who says they exercise week after week, month after month, even year after year and aren't getting any new results?

Believe it or not, doing the same workout over and over without expert guidance to direct your progress will actually decrease your fitness.

If you are a gym regular how many people do you see day in day out at the gym who are not getting result.

When I started as a trainer I used to work at big chain of gyms and 98% of people I saw leaving a session had not even broken into a sweat.

They would have achieved the same result if they were watching their favourite show on TV at home.

You must learn how to progressively improve and fine-tune your efforts for maximum weight loss and fitness results.

The BIGGEST secret: Accountability.

In a recent study at Virginia Polytechnic University, researchers divided people starting a training program into two groups.

Every week, each individual in one group got a phone call asking how their exercise program was coming along, the other group got no calls.

At the end of 24 weeks, 45% of the individuals who got the phone calls were still training compared to just 2% who did not receive calls.

The results show that weekly accountability increases the likelihood of sticking to your exercise program by 2200%!

The truth is most people can’t get a grip on the three essential factors that separate those who achieve real and lasting physique transformations from those who don’t.

Most people have difficulty with the commitment; don’t grasp the importance of progression; and lack the personal accountability to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals.

Why? Three reasons:

1. Bad information
2. It’s easy to cheat yourself
3. No guidance.

So What Is The Ultimate Secret To Successfully and Rapidly
Achieving Your Weight Loss And Fitness Goals?

I have discovered that the ultimate secret to getting the results you want is finding a coach who understands you and provides you with an effective weight loss and exercise program and guidance, motivation, support… but most of all, a coach who makes you ACCOUNTABLE!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Here's A Quick Way To Stay Motivated In Winter

People often ask me "what is the best tip for staying motivated through winter?"

The simplest tip is to book your next summer holiday!

What is your dream location for a vacation?

Hamilton Island?
North Queensland?

Let me ask you something else.

What would you do there?

Lie on the beach?
Hang out by the pool?
Rejuvenate at the day spa?
Go Jet skiing?
All of the above?

Booking your holiday will give you an instant lift.

You will also have a powerful reason why you are training and a clear picture of what your training will get you.

Think of how good you will feel relaxing by that pool or on the beach!

You don’t even have to wait for summer for your holiday.

Simone is about to go to Miami for fashion week.

Dawn is off to Fiji in a few short weeks.

Karen is going to Mexico next week.

Marie and Greg are in Italy.

My next holiday to North Queensland.

Keith is planning to join the world’s best paddlers for a race series in Mauritius -it’s all from a 5 star resort so of course I will be there for support!

So today your mission is to take at least one step toward making your ideal vacation real.

Send for a brochure. Pay a deposit.

Think about this ok?... Then DO something!

Send me your next holiday destination and commit today!