Monday, April 20, 2009


I firstly would like to express a big thanx of gratitude to all my readers of FITspiration.

I have had so many emails of support and appreciation to my regular motivation blog and many of you have told me how it has helped you make positive changes to your health and fitness.

“I look forward to getting my FITspiration”, “Its helped me realise that losing weight is not just about exercise but so much more” Anna B – mum – Coogee

This means so much to me and excites and encourages me to make it bigger and better every week until it becomes the only necessary hit of FITspiration you require each week to help you achieve all of your health and fitness goals.

I especially love how many of you have also implemented some of the tips to create positive change to other aspects of your life and this for me is the wholly grail. I will soon be adding inspiring video and audio interviews with people who have achieved what we all want and how they did it – so watch out – you have set me on fire… Enjoy this week FITspiration Victoria


Today’s FITspiration is on Change.

Everyone wants something to change in their life (e.g. to lose weight or to get fit enough to run, play, flirt) but why are some not prepared to make any changes in their life to achieve that change? - WHAT – it sounds crazy but we are all guilty of rationalising our excuses to the extent that we absolutely believe them. Its our belief in these excuses that is what is really stopping us from making the necessary changes in our lives.

It’s actually been proven that if you believe something so strongly then it MUST be true.

Take Jonestown for example, the followers believed in their leader so much that they voluntarily drank toxic Kool-Aid to commit suicide. They did this because they believed that "revolutionary suicide" was a way of going down in history to show their commitment to their leader and their faith.

It sounds insane to us but that was their belief.

So again “If we believe something to be true it is”.

If you are not prepared to make the changes in your life you need to you will start resenting the thought of change and start living according to a list of excuses that just grows and grows.

But why would we resent changes that would give us unlimited happiness? Because we fear failure and we fear that we will not succeed.

So what can we do about it?

ANSWER: Reprogram our beliefs by changing our Attitude, Habits and Mindset

We can re-programme our belief system on any topic to the extent that we refuse to believe otherwise.

Instead of having the excuse “I don’t have time to eat properly”

Replace this excuse with the following beliefs
I believe my body is my temple,
I believe food is fuel and nothing more

These beliefs will cause you to fill your body with nutrition so you feel like a Ferrari instead of a Datsun 180B

You can choose what to believe in but if you choose to focus on beliefs that take you away from your goal that’s just going to dig you deeper and deeper into a rut.

If you focus on a belief that matches your goal you are more then half way there.

Victoria – Oxygen Studio

"The most self-destructive thought that any person can have is thinking that he or she is not in total control of his or her life. That's when, 'Why me?' becomes a theme song." Roger Dawson

Believe and Succeed: You can create a new mindset that will create the lifestyle changes you must make to be healthy. by Bob Proctor: A world-renowned speaker, motivator and mind coach specialising in changing mindset for weight loss.By changing your attitude you will change the way you feel physically and mentally. You will feel better in your clothes. You will walk into a room with confidence. The way you live your life will reflect your new found vitality! You have the power to take responsibility for your actions.


You will agree, I am sure, that all thinking people have a sincere desire to succeed.

You want to win; I want to win. No one sets out to deliberately destroy themselves - although I must admit, at times it certainly appears as if some people do.

If everyone wants to win - why don't they? There are probably many answers to that question. I have come to the conclusion that the answer to success is locked up in a seven-letter word - "Believe."

Losers do not believe they can win. Why don't they believe? I think there is an answer to that question and I'll get to it in a moment. If you are having difficulty making something big happen in your life, read closely.

All the great religious leaders, philosophers and self-help gurus have told us to believe and succeed. "All things are possible for those who believe."

William James said, "Believe and your belief will create the fact."

I have found that our belief system is based on our evaluation of something. Frequently when we re-evaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change.

Half of my life was wasted. I never even tried to accomplish anything of any importance because I did not believe in myself. The truth was I knew very little about me. Many years ago I was encouraged to begin studying myself, re-evaluate myself. I began to gain an understanding of my marvelous mind. Everyday I learned a little more and I suddenly began to believe in myself.

Re-evaluate yourself. There is a sleeping giant in you. Release it. - Bob Proctor


Recommended book of the month: Psycho Cybernetcis by Dr. Maxwell Maltz > Happiness and success are habits. So are failure and misery. But negative habits can be changed--and Psycho-Cybernetics shows you how!This is your personal guide to the amazing power of Psycho-Cybernetics- one of the world s classic self-help books, a multimillion-copy bestseller proven effective by readers worldwide. Presenting positive attitude as a means for change, Maltz s teaching has the ring of common sense.
Psycho-Cybernetics-is the original text that defined the mind/body connection the concept that paved the way for most of today s personal empowerment programs. Turn crises into creative opportunities, dehypnotize yourself from false beliefs, and celebrate new freedom from fear and guilt.Testimonials and stories are interspersed with advice from Maltz, as well as techniques for relaxation and visualization. Dr. Maxwell Maltz teaches you his techniques of emotional surgery --the path to a dynamic new self-image and self-esteem and to achieving the success and happiness you deserve!


P.S: I developed 'Oxygen Studio' with a vision to change lives thru fitness and nutrition. I believe that true success is defined by achieving all facets of life: career, health, fitness, family, confidence, and self-image. Success in fitness and nutrition acts as a catalyst in developing life success. Knowledge is the key to Success - the more you learn , the more you know and the more you know the stronger your determination, focus, self belief and drive becomes and this is what makes people achieve great things.

If you know anyone who would benefit from some weekly knowledge please feel free to forward this email to them and they can subscribe to receive some interesting and motivating FITspiration every week so they too can become a true success- they just need to go to

Victoria Milicevic
Director Oxygen Studio Personal Training

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