Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to Achieve Effortless Results:Your Powerful Reason Why

This week I am going to chat about your PRW – Powerful Reason Why

That is the ‘Powerful Reason Why’ you have the goal you have, why you want to achieve it, Why is it important to you?, Why you have set that goal and How it will make you feel.
I bet if I said I knew the BIGGEST obstacle getting in the way of virtually EVERYONE'ssuccess... you'd want to know more, wouldn't you?
And if I told you I know EXACTLY how to eliminate it from your life forever, you'd be straining at the leash to find out, right?

You see once you unearth your REAL EMOTIONAL PRW the rest comes easy, as you are no longer fighting with yourself.

No training or nutrition program will ever be the sole reason for your success or failure. The one thing that separates clients from achieving an incredible transformation and clients who get no results or give up is all down to their PRW.

No one forces you to overeat, drink too much alcohol or survive on sugar and fatty foods.

You are the one who makes that decision and that decision is what is going to either make or break your goal. The stronger and more emotional your PRW the more you will resist the things that are holding you back.

A PRW that generates gut-level emotion in your innermost core will create unstoppable momentum and a self-fuelling prophecy of your transformation.

So what is a PRW? Is it like a goal? – Well YES and NO

Here’s an example

The Goal is: to lose weight

The PRW is:

  • To fit into my wedding dress and have everyone honestly tell how beautiful I look.
  • I know that if I look and feel beautiful I will really enjoy my wedding day and look happy, radiant and confident in my wedding photos.
  • I want to send all my relatives and friends who cant make my wedding a photo of me looking absolutely amazing and I want their jaws to drop.
  • I want to have a picture from my wedding day of my husband and I enlarged, framed and put on a wall in our house to remind us everyday of how happy we are together.
  • By seeing myself look amazing everyday it will be my constant reminder to never put the weight back on as I want to look this good for my husband and myself for life.

    Step 1) Identify Your “PRW’s”
    The objective of this exercise is write down your goal and then write down all the reasons why its important to you, how it will change you or make you feel happier, more confident or what bad memories it may erase. Write down what pain or feelings you are experiencing by not achieving your goal.

    My advice is to really “feel” the pain and bring it to the forefront of your conscious mind. Now is not the time to hold back, now is the time to get raw, strip yourself of your natural defenses and connect with your pain.

    This is a necessary part of the PRW process, don’t short-change yourself by making a half-hearted effort. The more pain you feel the greater the sense of urgency to take massive and immediate action.

    Warning: This is a very personal exercise and may involve re-living painful aspects of your past or forward projecting a painful experience in your future.

    I strongly advise that you do this exercise in privacy where you will not be disturbed for at least 30 minutes.

    You may have to enter those dark repressed corners of your mind to uncover your PRW. You may have to come face-to-face with some inner demons you have. You may have to bring to the surface some sensitive issues that have held you back for a long period of time.

    I don’t know what it is for you, only you can discover your PRW’s” and the resultant force that will drive you in your quest banish this pain from your existence via a full blooded Total body transformation.

    It’s a proven fact that the more people who know about your goals and PRWs the more chance you have of succeeding as you unconsciously become more accountable to those you have told and this propels your drive to succeed.

  • "The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the same problem you had last year." John Foster Dulles

    Now if you have read this far I know that you are serious about achieving your goal this year and I would love you to share your PRW with me and others, so once you have had a good go at it please email me your Goal and your PRW.

    Studio clients will all be asked this week to write their PRW on the goals wall so be prepared to be asked what your PRW is next time you are in the studio…

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